Saturday, April 21, 2012

I will be forever thankful that I finally figured out how to acquire such wonderful well-being. The secret is staying tuned in instead of tuned out. The secret is getting attuned to God.
 We need to spend time with Him. We need to read His Word daily.  We need to listen to the gentle nudges from the Holy Spirit saying turn this way or that. Just as a trained ear of an auto mechanic detects every ping or rattle inside a roaring engine, we need to train our ears to detect the whisperings and workings of our Lord. Just as a doctor listens raptly by stethoscope to a patient's heart, we need to stay as attentive to the very heart of God.

  " How does the musician become sensitive to tone, pitch, harmony, and tempo? By living with great music, listening to it, meditating upon it, analyzing it, saturating himself with it…
   So if one would sensitize consciousness for the perception of God, he must familiarize his mind with the quality of God as others have recognized and known Him--as He has revealed Himself in the beauty of nature, in the truth of the prophets and seers, in the holiness of the saints, in the love of the humble and heroic servants of humanity, in the courage and sacrifices of pioneers and crusaders, and supremely in Christ. He must saturate himself with the divine music of inspired writings and with the classic literature of devotion. Thus will he become aware of the nature of God and what to expect in contact with God. Thus will he recognize God, as God seeks to make Himself known in the hour of prayer or in the crowded ways of life."[i]

What ways have you used to stay attuned to God? I would love to hear from you!

[i] Albert Edward Day, An Autobiography of Prayer (New York, Harper & Brow.: 1952), 170.